Every facility has its unique acoustic character and requires a customized acoustic sound design. Even when the final designs are distinct, the acoustic challenges that need to be solved almost remain the same. Many issues are designed into the architectural acoustic design and many are the result of careless construction. Other challenges are caused by those using the facility. Whether you need the acoustic systems for your school, house of worship, sports arena, or any other facility, it is important to overcome many design challenges and avoid mistakes.
Importance of Acoustics Design in Your Facility
Effective facility acoustic designs should address a number of goals. This includes:
• The sound should be loud enough for your audience to hear. This includes even those sitting at the back of the area.
• Music, speech and vocal performances should be clear and there should be no echo or distortion.
• The desired sounds should be isolated. Speeches and performances should be clear over any other sounds from the area.
Setting the acoustics or lighting design right can be complex, but the right professionals with the right design can help you achieve the best quality results.
Mistakes to Avoid in Acoustic Designs
When it comes to an acoustic design project for your facility, it is important to avoid certain mistakes. This is why it is best to hire the services of a professional product design company. Some of the common mistakes that are seen often and need to be avoided are as follows:
1. Failing to Evaluate Your Needs
It would be best to evaluate your architectural acoustic design needs from the very beginning when your facility was built. However, many facilities are designed without taking sound and event lighting into consideration. The amount of time spent on planning these systems in a church, school, arena, and such facilities can offer many benefits.
If you haven’t done it, it is best to assess your acoustic system needs with a production design company. Such professionals can assist you with the following:
• Finding out if anything is broken or missing with your current system that needs to be fixed.
• Create a plan to add components or functionality to your system.
• Setup a budget for the maintenance and upgrade of the system.
If you have a church, your production design company can evaluate more than just the church sound systems. This can also cover your church lighting design.
Custom acoustics analysis of your facility can help in the accurate diagnoses of any challenges that are making a negative impact on the acoustics. It is important to choose professionals with long experience. Only an in-depth understanding of the ins and outs of audio systems and acoustical design can ensure that the system and facility acoustics work together to create quality sound from the front to the last row.
2. Ignoring the Balconies & Orchestra Pits
If your facility has balconies and orchestra pits, they are going to affect the acoustics of the area. Balconies are part of a clever design to add more seating in a room without the need of adding length to the room. This prevents the audience in an otherwise longer room from having trouble hearing. The size and shape of a balcony and the types of materials it is made up of affect how sound waves act in the room.
Similarly, orchestra pits can also affect the acoustic designs of the space. Something as simple as installing soundproof curtains can make it easier for a conductor to control acoustic levels emerging from the pit. The interior design of an orchestra pit is also important. The musicians within the pit should be able to hear themselves and others with clarity.
It has been commonly found that the architectural acoustic design of orchestra pits is not often optimal. If the acoustics have to be perfect, the pits should be designed ideally.
3. Not Properly Creating Absorption & Diffusion Surfaces
When it comes to auditoriums, an event production expert will recommend creating solutions to assist with sound absorption, diffusion, and blocking. For example, installing acoustic panels can help with sound absorption.
Acoustic panels can work as part of your acoustic design strategy. They can work by absorbing sound waves to prevent reflection and reverberation. Some surfaces can even absorb sound waves of specific frequencies. Lower frequencies have long and powerful sound waves. Bass traps may be set to absorb such waves at the corners.
When it comes to acoustic sound design, ceiling design also affects sounds. Your events production company in sc may use ceiling clouds to treat the ceilings for sound absorption. These features are also acoustic panels hanging horizontally from the ceiling. Their function is to absorb the sound waves traveling up.
Ceiling clouds are usually created when the facility has a high ceiling. They help prevent any cavernous sound produced by the ceiling structure.
Diffusion adjustments need to be done in audio design to disperse sound waves. Diffusion panels will prevent the sound waves from reverberating between parallel walls. These panels are different from acoustic panels in that they have a 3D look to them.
4. Choosing Cheaper Sound Systems
This mistake is seen not just in sound systems, but in lighting and overall production design as well. When you invest in cheap systems, you should not expect them to last long. It will be best to choose smart sound systems than cheaper options. It is recommended to choose quality systems and then seeking the help of professionals to set up the ideal acoustics for your facility. Even if you haven’t set up the lighting, an event lighting rental company can fill up the gap for you.
So when it comes to your facility’s acoustical design, it is important to avoid these mistakes. If you haven’t designed your facility for an optimal acoustic performance from the beginning, you should seek the help of experts. If you are looking for professionals with decades of experience, it is recommended to contact XLmediaworksat (803) 255-8887 for more information.